AISW Interview Guidelines

Our AI, Software, & Wetware (AISW) interview series was launched on August 1, 2024. This page summarizes our series, how & when we publish, what we mean by “AI”, and what kinds of interview guests are a good fit.

This page will be updated with links whenever new interview posts are published:

A new ”AI, Software, & Wetware” LinkedIn newsletter will also be updated weekly with links to new interviews.

Interview Scope

For purposes of these interviews, “AI” encompasses traditional data analytics, statistical methods, and machine learning as well as generative AI and other non-generative AI. See our AI Glossary or ask if you’re not sure if your interactions with AI tools and systems are relevant. They probably are: AI is so pervasive nowadays, it’s hard to avoid!

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Publishing Notes

  • Guests for some posts are anonymous. Their interviews are text only, no audio.

  • Some interviews are credited, not anonymous, and also text only (if guest chooses).

  • Some interviews are credited and have both text and audio. Audio is available directly in each Substack post, and if a guest opts in, it will also be shared via the 6P external podcasts. Interviews which include audio are marked with 🗣️ below and in the post titles.

“AI, Software, & Wetware” options for bylines and interview formats

Interview Guests

We want our interviews to include a diverse set of people from many locations worldwide and across a broad range of roles, occupations, and industries. Technical background or expertise is not required 😊

Do YOU have an opinion about the benefits and harms of AI tools, or a story to tell about using AI (or having AI use your info and content)? AI is everywhere and in so many tools and systems nowadays, everyone’s entitled to an opinion about AI and has stories to tell. Let’s chat about you being a featured guest in a future interview!

Or if you know someone whose voice should be heard about AI, please introduce us!

Publishing Schedule

  • An audio interview will be published once a week on Thursdays at 6:06pm ET.

  • If available, a text-only interview may be published on Mondays at 6:06pm ET.

To be notified automatically in the Substack app or via email when new interview posts are published, subscribe (FREE):

6 'P's in AI Pods is a 100% reader-supported publication (no ads, no affiliate links, no paywalls on new posts). If you enjoy my work, I’d love to have your support via shares, hearts, restacks, Notes, one-time tips, or voluntary donations via paid subscriptions!

(If you like, you can subscribe to only the People section which has these interviews, or to any other sections of interest. Here’s how to manage sections.)


Microphone photo by Michal Czyz on Unsplash - default post image for anonymous interviews and for the series