Right as this article was published, ElevenLabs released a preview of a genAI music tool. Their training dataset wasn't clear at first, and the company declined to comment on it (ref: https://venturebeat.com/ai/elevenlabs-previews-music-generating-ai-model/). With no further information forthcoming since then, it seems likely it *wasn't* ethically trained 😞 That takes them out of contention for my ethical shoestring list.

I'll be sticking with "Option 1: Make a few sample recordings manually; measure effort & quality" for now. If you find audio voiceovers helpful, please comment or DM to let me know!

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I found a few more tools that might meet the ethical criteria, listed in this article: https://www.audiocipher.com/post/ai-voice-generators It states that:

- Kits.ai is partnering directly with artists and working ethically with them

- Controlla Voice claimed to have reached 10,000 ethically trained voices in late 2023

- ACE Studio "Each of the AI vocal models have been licensed and cleared for commercial use" and many (but not all) are free to use

I also came across a site that was using Trinity Audio for TTS. However, from a quick check, I couldn't find any info in their FAQs about ethics or training datasets.

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The manual voiceover recording for THIS post has now been added. Please let me know what you think!

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